Fully updated in April 2014, this Grow Your Own iPhone app from the Royal Horticultural Society is designed to help you choose and grow fruit and vegetables - however much space or time you have.
This app is fully optimised for iPhone 5 and 4 users; iPhone 3 users may experience slightly slower performance.
You will be able to upgrade to the new version for free, and you can now share your garden to Facebook, record notes for each of your plants, and share your app across multiple devices, like iPad, with ease.
The base application is free and covers the 20 most popular varieties of fruit and veg - plus weve added an extra 19 vegetables for FREE. Within the application itself you can buy additional content bundles (for £1.99 each) of veg, fruit and herbs to extend the content of the app.
All functionality is available for free on the 39 fruit and veg profiles that come with the app.
This app is for less experienced or less confident gardeners but will be a valuable resource for all, providing you the ability to access in-depth horticultural advice from the UK’s leading gardening organisation, as well as timely reminders to manage your crops, while you are out and about in your garden with your iPhone.
The basic FREE app includes:
· tools to help you choose vegetables and fruit for your garden based on your level of expertise, and your available space and time
· access to expert RHS advice about your chosen fruit/veg with detailed growing, sowing and harvesting instructions as well as varieties that we recommend
· calendar function with alerts to remind you what to do and when based on your chosen fruit/veg in ‘My Garden’
· common problems you might encounter, with photos to help identify them, including pests and diseases and what to do about them
· record notes for each of your plants
· location-aware frost warnings to help you protect your plants
· location-aware watering reminders and drought alerts
· improved links to the RHS Shop online to buy quality RHS plants, seeds and equipment
· access to the RHS Grow Your Own Facebook page, to ask questions, advice and chat to fellow gardeners
· content covering 39 popular fruit and veg - the basic set of apple, blackcurrant, blueberry, cabbage, carrot, courgette, french bean, garlic, leek, lettuce, onion, pear, pepper, potato, radish, raspberry, runner bean, salad leaves, strawberry and tomato; plus we have now added aubergine, broccoli, celeriac, celery, chard, chicory, chilli pepper, Chinese broccoli, dried beans, fennel, fennel, globe artichoke, jerusalem artichoke, pak choi, rocket, shallot, soya beans, swede, sweet potato, turnip.
The £1.99 content bundles available include all the above functionality for the following plants:
Vegetables 1: asparagus, beetroot, broad bean, brussel sprouts, calabrese, cauliflour, chinese cabbage, cucumber, endive, kohlrabi, komatsuna, Lablab beans, mizuna, okra, parsnip, pea, pumpkin, salsify, spinach, sweetcorn
Fruit: apricot, blackberry, cherry, citrus, cranberry, fig, gooseberry, grape, kiwi, medlar, melon, mulberry, olive, peach, plum, quince, redcurrant, rhubarb, walnut, whitecurrant
Herbs: basil, bayleaf, chamomile, chervil, chives, coriander, dill, horseradish, lemongrass, marjoram, mint, oregano, parsley, rosemary, sage, savory, sorrel, tarragon, thyme
If you have any feedback or suggestions for what you’d like to see in future, do get in touch at iphone@rhs.org.uk
The RHS is the UK’s leading horticultural charity, and this app is part of a wide ranging campaign or activities, publications and advice about Grow Your Own.
For more information, see www.rhs.org.uk/growyourown